It's that time of year that we adore PRIDE! We might not have had a great start to the year, but like many of you, we will still be getting our sparkle on to celebrate this wonderful movement in style. Whether you're celebrating Pride at home on zoom or at an IRL Pride event, there's always an opportunity to dress up and get sparkly. Don't let anyone or anything hold you back (we're talking to you, covid).
London PRIDE 2021 here we come
We are again, thrilled to say that we will be armed and ready to glitter the masses at London Pride 2021, on the 11th of September. Pride holds a special place in our hearts and we are so happy that we have the opportunity to paint our guilt-free sparkles on the London revelers. Although we have been lucky enough to do a few small safe events recently such as a hen party here and there, Pride will be our first BIG London event since our multiple lockdowns! Could we BE any more excited!?
Looking back
Moving into PRIDE month has got us reminiscing about past PRIDEs. We love looking back on all the events we've done and how many memories we've made with you wonderful people. So we thought we would share some with you. It got us all happy and warm inside, we hope it does for you too. Good times are coming.
Preparing for PRIDE 2021
Now we got you all pumped up for this year's PRIDE, the first big question is what will you wear? The second, arguably the most important, is HOW much glitter to add to your look? Whether you're a more is more or less is more kinda person, our Pride Eco Glitter Fun set delivers the goods. Our top-selling set contains six gorgeous bio glitters, in the LGBTQ+ colours, and it's all you need to create your PRIDE glitter makeup look. To get your glittery brain cells buzzing with inspo, check out the PRIDE glitter makeup looks below. Whether you go for a glitter beard, or full pride heart (tutorial below), make sure you tag #ecoglitterfun in all your social posts. We love seeing your creativity!
It's more than just glitter
Glitter is a big part of PRIDE, but we don't let it overshadow the reason why it exists. At Eco Glitter Fun HQ, the LGBTQ+ love and support is yearlong. The community has been a part of our brand from the very beginning, especially with one of our co-founders being queer and we are beyond proud to be associated and partnering with many talented people from the LGBTQ+ community.
In 2018 we created our Eco Glitter Fun PRIDE Kit and decided to donate £1 of every kit sold, to the Albert Kennedy Trust (AKT). This UK-based charity support LGBTQ+ young people aged 16-25, who are facing or experiencing homelessness or living in a hostile environment. We donate £1 of every sold Pride Kit, direct to AKT. Pride is a celebration that has to be fought for, and as a brand, we stand alongside everyone involved.
Now we have you all excited, you just need to go get your guilt-free sparkles on for PRIDE 2021! We will see you in London on 11th September!